Stress is our body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat caused by external factors. The reality of the modern world has placed so much demand on our mind and body that we have to do almost everything in a rush.

Stress isn’t always bad as it helps us meet up with up challenges. In a small dose, it helps us perform under pressure and motivate us to do our best but when we are constantly running in emergency mode, our mind and body pay the price.

10 signs that show your body is stressed are:

1. Irritability: when you are under stress, be it mental or physical, little things that would not bother you will get you annoyed easily. You become irritated and angry at the slightest of provocations.

2. Low sex drive: In some people, too much stress can have a negative impact on the desire to be intimate. Chronic stress levels may have a negative impact on sexual arousal.

3. Memory and concentration problems: If you find yourself having trouble with concentration and memory, stress may be a part of the problem. Research has shown that certain hormones, following a stressful or traumatic event can have the ability to impair memory.

4. Headaches: Many studies have found that stress can contribute to headaches, a condition characterized by pain in the head or neck region.

5. Frequent sickness: If you keep battling sickness frequently, stress may be implicated. Stress can take a toll on your immune system and can cause increased susceptibility to infections.

6. Decreased Energy and Insomnia: Chronic fatigue and decreased energy levels can also be caused by prolonged stress. Stress may also disrupt sleep and cause insomnia, which can lead to low energy. A study found that higher levels of work-related stress are associated with increased sleeplessness and restlessness at bedtime.

7. Chronic pains: Aches and pains are a common complaint that can result from increased levels of stress. Increased levels of stress hormone cortisol may be associated with chronic pain. A study showed that people chronic pain had higher levels of cortisol in their hair, an indication of prolonged stress.

8. Appetite changes: Changes in appetite are common during the time of stress. When you feel stressed out, you may find yourself either with no appetite at all or ravenously raiding your refrigerator in the middle of the night. Appetite change may cause fluctuations in weight during a stressful period.

9. Rapid heartbeat: A fast heartbeat and increased heart rate can also be symptoms of high-stress levels. A rapid heartbeat may also be caused by high blood pressure, thyroid disease, certain heart conditions, and by drinking a large amount of caffeinated or alcoholic beverages.

10. Anxiety: Anxiety results from the worries and fears that we express towards things and issues that threaten our peace or causes stress. For example, a lot of people become anxious at the sight of traffic jam or what we call ‘hold up’, they start thinking about the negative possibilities of time wasted, getting robbed, arrested for traffic offence etc.

Stress is an inevitable part of life, however, it is very important to know how to manage it. To manage stress, you must know the symptoms and also identify your stressors.




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Stress is our body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat caused by external factors. The reality of the modern world has placed so much demand on our mind and body that we have to do almost everything in a rush. Stress isn’t always bad as it

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