Have you ever thought about why people fall sick easily during the rainy or cold season? Many people associate cold weather with the common cold because, almost all around us, there seem to be someone battling with either a cold, cough or catarrh especially at this time. Well, the simple explanation is that the weather is not directly the reason why people fall sick during this season. Rather, the germs (viruses) responsible for cold and flu spread more easily in the cold season because so many people are in such close contact, so the likelihood of passing germs from one person to the other and from one place or surface to the other is much higher when it is cold outside than when it is warm. Sometimes, bacteria can infect the ears or sinuses during this viral infection-this is known as a secondary bacteria infection and can be treated with antibiotics.

The human immune system also tends to be lower during this season. Why? Many researchers believe that exposure to lower temperature can negatively affect people’s immunity, this makes it tougher for the body to fight infections caused by the germs that are easily picked up by individuals at the season.

Major reasons for the body’s inability to fight off the viruses may be due to reduced vitamin D; as a result of reduced sun light during the raining season. Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining our immunity, It can easily be accessed by exposing our bodies to sun but this becomes difficult in a cold weather. Also, spending more times in door amongst more people, lowers our body temperature as well as narrows our blood vessels as a result of breathing in cold and dry air in other to conserve heat. All these factors may hinder our body’s ability to fight off germs-causing cold.


  1. STAY HYGIENIC; HAND WASHING AND HAND SANITIZING- This is the season to form the habit of hand washing if you are not already used to frequent hand washing. Always go around with hand sanitizers or alcohol-based hand wipes to ensure keeping your hands clean every time you shake hands with people, use the rest rooms, touch doorknobs, telephones, sinks, keyboards, rails and surfaces. Washing your hands with clean running water and soap will help reduce germs and keep you from even spreading them to loved ones. Also keep your distance from people displaying symptoms like sneezing and coughing.
  1. EAT HEALTHY: It may be difficult to eat healthy daily but eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables such as apples, oranges, blueberries, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, supports your immune system. Taking vitamin D supplements or eating foods that are high in vitamin D, such as fatty fish, mushrooms, and eggs or even garlic, ginger tea, yogurt, whole grain bread all makes it a lot easier in fighting off the flu.
  2. STAY HYDRATED: Drink a lot of water; It is always safe to drink purified water by boiling or filtering to prevent water borne diseases. Don’t rely on the tap water or the packaged water from the stall but always carry water bottle while travelling.
  3. EXERCISE AND KEEP WARM: Work-out to keep warm, this helps to boost the immune system. Avoid being drenched by the rain, wear protective clothing if you must be outdoor during this season. Head warmer, socks, sweaters and well covering clothes should be worn by adults and children especially. It is also essential that we always keep our feet warm when it is cold.


Keep warm by taking Ginger and spiced tea: One of the various health benefits of ginger is that it helps soothe common cold and speeds up the recovery process. Ginger tea tastes good and helps in treating common cold and cough. It also helps in drying up runny and dripping nose and aids the removal of phlegm from the nasopharynx thereby reducing discomfort.

Mix honey with Lemon and Cinnamon: Add a teaspoon of honey to a few drops of lemon and a pinch of cinnamon. This is a traditional and effective home remedy that may soothe sore throat, cold and cough. Honey, lime juice and warm water is also a perfect solution in controlling cough and cold where it is difficult to get cinnamon.

Heat your drinks and sip lukewarm water; make deliberate efforts to drink lukewarm water frequently as it helps in fighting against common cold, cough and sore throat. Warm water reduces inflammation in the throat and can help to keep some infections at bay.

Breathe in steam and avoid dirty air: Dirty air, smoke, and dry throat can cause you to cough. Stay away from environments with highly polluted air. You may also try breathing in steam from hot water. You can as well use a humidifier or vaporizer in your room while you sleep. The steam can keep your nose and throat from being too dry and get rid of that back-of-the-throat tickle. The moisture can also ease your breathing and loosen mucus, helping you cough it up.

Sleep With an Extra Pillow Under Your Head: Having enough sleep when you are feeling under the weather helps your body in fighting a cold. Elevating your head will help relieve congested nasal passages. If the angle is too awkward, try placing the pillows between the mattress and the box springs to create a more gradual slope.

Use Cold and Cough Medicine; Cough and catarrh can be embarrassing especially when you have to go about your business and do not have the time to prepare these home remedies. Cough medicines such as Fidson’s Tuxil range of expectorant or Kofol, a natural herbal mix with honey, can come handy when you need to take charge of your day.

Boost your Immune with Extrammune: immune system is the body’s primary defence mechanism made up of several tissues and cells that protect the body against toxins and unwanted invaders that can result in an infection or illness. However, a poor diet, frequent illnesses and a host of other factors can impact a healthy immune system over time and weaken it.
Frequent allergies, cold, flu, and even skin conditions can often be a result of a weakened immune system, especially during a cold weather.

Extrammune is a herbal immunity enhancer. It enhances the defence mechanism, thereby increasing the ability of the body to fight against infections—both viral and bacterial.

Extrammune prevents and treats various disorders by improving body’s defense system to protect against the seasonal outbreaks of infectious disorders.

Extrammune can be combined with antibiotics in case bacterial infections occur. Extrammune improves the antibiotic action without the risk of adverse events that would occur with higher doses of powerful antibiotics.

So this rainy season let us be proactive and boost our immune system with Extrammune – The Herbal Immunity Enhancer.

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Have you ever thought about why people fall sick easily during the rainy or cold season? Many people associate cold weather with the common cold because, almost all around us, there seem to be someone battling with either a cold, cough or catarrh especially at this time. Well, the simple

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