According to a Bloomberg study conducted in 2015, Nigeria is the most stressful country in the world. Stress is a universal and common challenge to everyone regardless of where you find yourself, it is the reality of modern times. People are on the lookout for ways to avoid the tension of traffic jams, chaotic meetings and pressing deadlines, a difficult boss at work etc.
In case you don’t know, work stress has significant health consequences ranging from the relatively mild effects such as headache, body aches, fever and the likes to the more serious ones like heart disease and metabolic syndrome.
Because stress at work is so common, finding a low-stress job may be difficult or impossible for many people. A more realistic choice would be to simply adopt more effective strategies to reduce stress at work.
W.H.O noted that when exposure to stress persists and over prolong periods, workers do not have enough time to recover, and then stress may eventually cause mental and physical disorders and impair the immune system, resulting in sickness, absence from work and work disability.
Here are some stress management techniques to try.
A factor that contributes to job burnout is unclear requirements. If you don’t know exactly what is expected of you, or if the requirements keep changing with little notice, you may find yourself much more stressed than necessary. If you find yourself falling into the trap of never knowing if what you’re doing is enough, it may help to have a talk with your supervisor and go over expectations, and strategies for meeting them. This can relieve stress for both of you!
Because interpersonal conflict affects your physical and emotional health, and because conflict in the workplace is so difficult to escape, it’s a good idea to avoid conflict at work as much as possible. That means you should not gossip or share too many of your personal opinions about sensitive issues like religion and politics. Try to avoid those people at work who don’t work well with others. If conflict finds you, anyway, learn how to deal with it appropriately.
Even if you’re a naturally disorganized person, planning to stay organized can greatly decrease stress at work. Being organized with your time means less rushing in the morning to avoid being late and rushing to get out at the end of the day. Keeping yourself organized means avoiding the negative effects of clutter and being more efficient with your work.
Another surprising stressor at work is physical discomfort. You may not notice the stress you experience when you’re in an uncomfortable chair for a few minutes. But if you practically live in that chair when you’re at work, you can have a sore back and be more reactive to stress because of it. Even small things like office noise can be distracting and cause low-grade frustration. Do what you can to ensure that you’re working from a quiet, comfortable and soothing workspace.
Studies have shown that chronic multitaskers have less gray matter, which is linked to depression, anxiety, and poor impulse control.
Multitasking was once regarded as a fantastic way to maximize one’s time and get more done in a day. Then people started realizing that when they had a phone in their ear and were making calculations at the same time, their speed and accuracy (not to mention sanity) suffered. Rather than multitasking, focus on one task per time.

One way you can combat that, and manage stress at work at the same time, is to get some exercise during your lunch break and perhaps take short exercise breaks throughout the day. This can help you blow off steam, lift your mood, and get into better shape.
Being a high achiever can boost your confidence and help you excel at work. However, being a perfectionist can drive you and the people around you a little nuts, especially in busy, fast-paced jobs where you may not be able to do everything perfectly. You will achieve better results and you will be less stressed at work if you manage your drive for perfection.
The food you eat also plays a role in how you deal with stress at work. Avoid stimulants like caffeine and nicotine. You should also cut down your sugar consumption. This helps you avoid bouts of energy crashing.
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